Audit Type

Create Audit Type

Fill in the required information to create a new audit type. Only Audit Partners can create and delete Audit Types.

New Audit Type
Creating a new audit type

Note: The Audit Type Name should be unique for an Audit Firm and should not exceed 50 characters in length.

Update Audit Type

Users can update the remarks for an existing Audit Type after its creation, or enable/disable the Audit Type as required.

Update Audit Type 1
Updating audit type remarks or enabling/disabling the audit type

Adding Audit Assertions

Audit Assertions are added to an Audit Type from the Audit Assertions Tab.

Audit assertions are the assertions made by the auditee. Different audit types typically would have a set of assertions that the auditor needs to evaluate and comment upon.

Update Audit Type 2
Adding audit assertions to an audit type
Update Audit Type 3
Further steps in adding audit assertions

Delete Audit Type

Audit Types can be deleted using the delete button in the Basic Info Tab.

Delete Audit Type
Deleting an audit type

Note: System-defined Audit Types cannot be deleted.

Error You May Get

Error Message Remedial Action
Audit Type should be unique for an Audit Firm Ensure that the Audit Type is not duplicated within the same Audit Firm.
Audit Type should not be more than 50 characters Shorten the Audit Type name to 50 characters or fewer.
Audit Area already exists Check for an existing Audit Area with the same name to avoid duplication.
Could not add or update audit tasks as the combination of audit area '{item}' and sub heading title '{assertion_to_be_audited}' already exists. Verify the audit area and subheading title to avoid duplicating an existing combination.

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